Think about what would happen to your brand and your company if a container load was seized by Customs, the CPSC or FDA, or similar agencies in Canada or Europe. Or if Amazon or other ecommerce sites pulled your listing after you put so much time and money into building up traffic. Or if your company was sued by one of these agencies or a customer who claims injury. It is much cheaper than you think to have a proper compliance program, and certainly much cheaper than not having one. Often you don’t need to take on a full time Director-level salary to set up and maintain an appropriate compliance system. Let us help you set up and/or manage a compliance system for your brand or brands without the expense that you would expect. Not sure what regulations you need to meet?
Let us develop protocols for your products so you can design and manufacture products that meet safety regulations from the beginning. We recommend using ComplyPro+ software to simplify and organize your safety compliance management. You can visit their website with the link below or on the Affiliates Link tab to see how it can help you. If you still need help we can help you set up the software and/or manage it.